Photographer couples who breathe, sleep and shoot together
Revealing their own wedding photos and musing on the beauty and hurdles of working together
One taught the other photography in the backyard, resulting in a successful wedding and newborn photo business, which they juggle with raising two kids
CojoPhoto, Canada
The Picture and The Poet, British Columbia
Gary Evans Photography, Canada
Paddling in one direction and gracefully carrying on partner’s family business established in 1970s
Arte Magna, Portugal
Natanael e Luara, Brazil
Alejandra Loaiza Photography
On the flip side of the coin: going extra mile to keep up with friends and leaving children over the weekends
Van Elk & Co, Indiana
Jumping from disposable camera to photography business in a blink of an eye
The Camerados, New England
Cr8tive Duo, Cape Town
Christina & Jeremiah, Travelling
What photographers wish they did for they own wedding, as they shoot others’
Eastlyn & Joshua, Ohio
Daniel Lopez Photography, Antigua
Brought to you by Rawsie App, Fundy Designer, Pic-Time & Way Up North
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