What versions of macOS are currently supported?Rawsie is only supported for iMacs and Macbooks running on macOS Catalina 10.15 and newer versions, including:
Catalina 10.15
Big Sur 11
Monterey 12
You can always find the list of all macOS versions here on Wikipedia.
How do I know which macOS am I currently running on?To make sure you are running on one the supported macOS version, please check your macOS version by clicking the "" icon in the top left corner of your screen and selecting "About this Mac":

Can I run Rawsie on an earlier, unsupported macOS?Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee successful launch and stable Rawsie performance on macOS earlier than Mojave 10.14 and it is not covered by Rawsie's Refund Policy and Terms of Use. There's as well no way to build a copy of Rawsie supporting an older operating system on a one-off basis.
New versions of Rawsie are released throughout the whole year to ensure stability, security, supporting new cameras and newest camera firmware. As Rawsie relies on macOS operating system, as well as working perfectly with Adobe Lightroom and other photo-editing, culling, file management software and codecs that receive important updates regularly, we need to keep Rawsie's code up to date and in line with this third-party software and it wouldn't be possible to ensure stable workflow on older macOS versions.
How to update my MacOS?Click the "" icon in the top left corner of your screen → Select "About this Mac" → Click Software update and follow further instructions from Apple: