Rawsie Help Center

Adobe Cloud and Rawsie

Compatibility: third-party software
Rawsie currently doesn't support compression of files stored in the Adobe Cloud. At the moment the issue is that Adobe Cloud only offers access to RAW files for authorized plugins, if any. Otherwise Rawsie cannot access the file archive as the catalog file itself is stored on Adobe Cloud as well, so Rawsie is not able to read it and relink compressed files.

One thing that some of our users do though, is compressing files straight off the camera before importing them into Lightroom and then importing and uploading it to Lightroom. We highly recommend trying this workflow to unlock Rawsie's compression for your files.

Meanwhile, we are looking into ways to provide Rawsie to Adobe Cloud users, please don't forget to follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don't miss any news.